How is Iris different from a regular billing vendor?

Iris provides a one stop billing software & services solution for medical practices. Are you using outdated technology? Are you facing increasing accounts receivables and declining revenues? We guarantee an average 5% increase over your current revenues. How do we do guarantee your returns?

Increased Revenues
Iris diligently follows up with payers and patients to ensure you get paid for services rendered on time. Typically billing vendors focus only primary filing because that is easy revenue for least work. At Iris, we automate most of the initial filing and instead focus our dedicated teams on insurance follow-ups, secondary filing and patient collection. That is why Iris can make a simple promise - guaranteed average top-line revenue improvement by 5% .

Faster collection
We file claims within 24 hours of seeing a patient by using integrated software technology and large pool of billing staff. In addition you are immediately enrolled with 4000+ payers for electronic claim transmission and remittance. In many cases real time adjudication lets the payers adjudicate and make the payment within the same day.

Reduced rejections/denials
We have a large set of programmed rules that your claims will be validated against. Such automated rules based checks eliminates the possibility of manual error and increases our average first pass rates above 95%. In addition we have medical necessity rules increasing your reimbursement levels and eliminating denials. Low denials and rejections help us our billing team focus on your accounts receivable and collection.

Increased control
Iris puts you in control of your billing even though the billing team is not in your office. We completely eliminate the sense of loss of control by giving you direct access to real time reports and instant claim level information. No longer do you need to wait for weekly reports or ask for status; it is at hand 14x7 with update information.

Our billing clients get access to alloFactor, our very own practice management and EMR software, for free. Why is this important? We built alloFactor due to the restrictions of current billing software in share information between practice and Iris. It is geared for productivity and collection improvement features such as eligibility verification and insurance card scanning. alloFactor has integrated EMR eliminating the need to maintain two systems and often duplicating the effort. Most importantly, we can customize alloFactor to meet the needs of your practice, something that we run into with each new client.

Customer Service
Iris assigns a dedicated Accounts Representative who is solely responsible for your account. They are involved from the time of transition and are fully knowledgeable about the details of your account. Specific questions on each claim can also be routed to billing person through the system itself which retains a trail of such communication.

You may know this already but your revenue has highest risk at the point of transition to a billing vendor. Iris will have a dedicated representative at your site to work through the transition. The person will perform the necessary enrollments, staff training, custom rules setting and customization needs. We can assure a smooth transition because we have proven transition process that has fine honed over the years.

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