Iris Clinic Practice Management Suite is built ground up to be the single software solution that a medical practice would ever need - it has integrated appointment scheduling, emr, document management, billing, reporting and administration. From the moment a patient is signed in, the visit is tracked all the way through closure to ensure each visit detail is captured, billed and paid. Clinic Suite is built for secure access from your home or across office locations.
Iris Clinic Appointment Scheduler - Free: Iris Clinic Appointment Scheduler is a full featured scheduling software that allows your frontdesk or office manager to manage your appointment, patient registration and signin/signout. Clinic Appointment Scheduler is free for use and is the building block to Iris Clinic Suite of products and can be setup immediately on download. Click here to Download
Iris Clinic Charts EMR: Electronic Medical Records systems is rapidly becoming prevalent across independent medical practices to store and retrieve patient charts. Iris Clinic Charts EMR is a powerful electronic medical records solution to help providers in decision making at the point of care. It is integrated with Appointment Scheduler and other optional modules. Iris Clinic Charts EMR is priced for smaller practices with monthly fee eliminating all costs associated with purchasing expensive computer hardware. More
Iris Clinic Claims: While you are focused on patient care who looks after your revenue topline? Iris Clinic Claims gives a proactive approach to managing your claims by tracking each visit through payments. With its ability to import data from several practice management systems, interface with charge capture software, electronic filing of claims and extensive reporting capabilities, this is the one solution that you need. More 